Soul Licks Tummy


AED 89.30

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Does your pet have digestion problems? Then TUMMY is the one for you. Made with natural digestive enzymes & good bacteria, it helps your pet get the most out of their food without any hiccups in digestion.

Packed with Nutrition

Lactobacillus Acidophilus
Naturally good bacteria, helps inhibit the growth of bad bacteria & keeps gut health in check, restoring normal digestive functioning.
A natural enzyme that helps in protein digestion. It breaks down proteins into amino acids, which are then used throughout the body for various purposes.
This natural enzyme is responsible for digestion of carbohydrates in animals. Cats & dogs do not produce their own amylase, hence require it via their diet.
Natural enzyme in dogs & cats that helps digest & absorb fats from their food. Lipase deficiency can cause undigested fat to be accumulated in blood vessels & clog up the arteries.


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